Hydroxychloroquine: I-MASK+, Zelenko and McCullough Protocols

Hydroxychloroquine and COVID-19

Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is not effective when used very late with high dosages over a long period (RECOVERY/SOLIDARITY), effectiveness improves with earlier usage and improved dosing. Early treatment consistently shows positive effects. Negative evaluations typically ignore treatment time, often focusing on a subset of late stage studies.

As of January 2022 there have been more than 30 studies of Hydroxychloroquine for early treatment with an overall average improvement of 64% as compared to the control groups.

Here’s a chart from c19early.com that shows that hydroxychloroquine performs better than ivermectin when given as early treatment in terms of risk reduction of dying from COVID-19:

The overall improvement for hydroxychloroquine is better than ivermectin (for early treatment); 74% vs 51% in terms of death rate. Crucial point to note is that hydroxychloroquine needs to be given 'early'

The difference in terms of effectiveness for hydroxychloroquine is distinctly different when given early vs late treatment (64% vs 20%), as shown in the summary chart below:

The evidence tracking on Hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 is available at c19hcq.com (constantly updated). 

Hydroxychloroquine, I-MASK+, Zelenko and McCullough Protocols

Hydroxychloroquine is also part of various early treatment protocols including the latest FLCCC I-MASK+ protocol, Zelenko protocol and Peter McCullough protocol

I-MASK protocol and hydroxychloroquine


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