Building a Strong Defense: Boost the Lymphatic System and Detoxify After COVID-19 Vaccines

Severe life-threatening events in the brain and heart have been linked with the COVID-19 vaccine, but how can the vaccines disperse from the injection site to other organs?

The lymphatic system isn’t only an indispensable protector to ward off pathogens, but it also eliminates toxins from our bodies.

During the COVID-19 virus and vaccine era, maintaining a robust lymphatic system has become more important than ever.

stem cell therapy and COVID-19

How mRNA Vaccines Bypass 1st Line of Defense

The heart of the matter lies in the mRNA vaccine’s ability to bypass the first line of defense, the mucous cells and tonsils that are typically triggered during a natural infection. This ultimately disrupts our innate immunity.

After being administered at the injection site, the vaccine spreads preferentially via the lymphatic system, then on to wherever our lymphatic immune cells fail to clear it out. Rarely, the vaccine might unintentionally be injected into the blood.

The COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, surrounded by a lipid shell, are specially designed to be absorbed by our lymphatic vessels.

First, these vaccine molecules are approximately 60 to 100 nanometers in diameter, which is the perfect size to enter the pores of lymphatic vessels.

Second, their lipid shell is likely transported via the lymphatic vessels.

When the mRNA is administered into muscle tissue, which is rich in blood vessels and lymphatic vessels, it allows the vaccine lipid particles to be absorbed swiftly into the lymphatic system and initiate subsequent outcomes.

Recently, the Australian Health Authority released a report showing that the vaccine’s lipid nanoparticles are distributed throughout the body, including the spleen, bone marrow, and lymph nodes. (pdf)

Frontline Battlefield With the Vaccine

In clinical trials of the mRNA vaccine, the enlargement of lymph nodes is reported in 0.4 percent of participants after the first two doses and 2.8 percent following an additional booster dose of the Pfizer mRNA vaccine. (pdf)

Many people may see this as a natural and benign reaction to the vaccine. However, in the case of mRNA vaccines, particularly the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, things are not that simple.

Korean study was conducted on 88 healthy women with swollen lymph nodes after receiving the COVID-19 vaccines, including mRNA or viral vectors. About a quarter (23) of the women no longer had swelling after six weeks, but more than half (49) of those remaining still had swelling after 12 weeks.

The women who were administered mRNA vaccines exhibited increased and prolonged swelling compared with those who received a viral vector vaccine. Although the viral vector vaccine recipients were part of the control group, the same concern remains with them.

Additionally, women who received mRNA vaccines showed greater differences in their lymph nodes, which can be indicative of cancerous growth, warranting long-term follow-up.

A Deeper Look at Adverse Reactions to COVID-19 Vaccines

A large body of evidence has proven that the spike protein can induce subsequent downstream cascades that damage our body from several pathways in many organs. It can:

Lipid nanoparticles in mRNA vaccines are also a big problem, as studies have shown they can disassemblecluster, and trigger an embolism, the blockage of a blood vessel.

Accordingly, wherever the local lymphatic system is clogged or not functioning well enough to cleanse away the vaccine components, we may experience symptoms in corresponding parts of our body.

As of March 31, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) recorded a staggering 1,541,247 global reports of COVID-19 vaccine-related adverse events. These incidents encompass a range of concerning outcomes, such as 35,948 fatalities, 196,067 hospitalizations, and 37,174 life-threatening cases.

Build a Solid Fortress: 7 Ways to Detox and Heal

In the COVID-19 vaccine era, bolstering the lymphatic system and enhancing its ability to effectively eliminate these stealthy invaders is particularly important.

Strengthening the lymphatic system will enhance other detoxification and healing protocols, such as those provided by the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance.

Some people haven’t experienced more than mild side effects, regardless of the vaccines taken. This may be attributed to their body’s robust self-healing and detoxifying lymphatic system.

In addition to sleep, exercise, deep breathing, a healthy diet, and hydration, additional  practices can be taken to reinforce lymphatic function and alleviate vaccine-related injuries.

Lymphatic Massage Techniques

Massage can promote lymphatic drainage, improve immune function, and cleanse waste products.

Manual lymphatic maneuvers are beneficial for the nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, and musculoskeletal systems.

Lymphatic flow can be promoted by the Godoy method, used by Brazilian physicians to treat lymphedemadry brushing, which can be done at home; and Japanese Kanpumasatsu.


A randomized, blind, controlled trial with 147 participants showed a significant reduction in adverse events and local pain in those who received auricular acupressure compared with the control group.

Based on available research, reduction of adverse effects of vaccines after acupuncture is likely related to the boosted function of the lymphatic system.

Some acupuncture points may specifically improve lymphatic drainage and reduce inflammation and swelling.

CT scans have shown that acupuncture points contain more tiny blood vessels than other areas of the body, probably also with a high concentration of small lymphatic vessels.

Early and recent clinical trials have shown that acupuncture can decrease breast cancer-related limb swelling, improve the symptoms of lymphedema in the lower extremities, and relieve chronic painneuropathy, and anxiety.


Herbs such as calendulaechinacea, and dandelion can also help naturally purify the lymphatic system, reduce swelling and pain, and boost the immune system.


Studies have shown that photobiomodulation therapy can have the beneficial effect of clearing the brain’s toxic proteins via the brain lymphatic system and thus is regarded as a noninvasive neuroprotective strategy for improving neurological symptoms such as brain fog or cognitive decline. This form of therapy applies light from low-level lasers or light-emitting diodes to the surface of the body. Near-infrared light is often used.

Temperature Fluctuation

A spring or spa experience that naturally exposes the body to both heat and cold can improve the function of the lymphatic system by increasing lymph flow.

Exposure to cold and hot temperatures causes lymphatic vessels to contract and relax, increasing lymph flow throughout the body by as much as 117 percent. This surge stimulates the immune system, enhancing its function.

However, extremes such as winter swimming are not recommended, as these activities are generally not healthy. Sudden coldness may cause blood vessel contraction, which people with certain risk factors should avoid.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a vital nutrient for the lymphatic system, providing support in multiple ways.

First, it boosts collagen production, enhancing the lymphatic system’s structural integrity. Lymph nodes are surrounded by collagen-rich capsules and trabeculae, tiny fibers that support the structure of the lymph nodes that need sufficient vitamin C to remain strong.

Secondly, vitamin C aids lymphocyte function, which produces antibodies that identify and eliminate foreign particles in the body.

Lastly, vitamin C protects lymphocytes from oxidative damage.

Vitamin D

A study has found that vitamin D can adjust the number and function of T lymphocytes in the skin lymph nodes, reducing dermal inflammation.

Anti-Inflammatory Supplements

Anti-inflammatory dietary supplements may help reduce the number of extra immune cells or inflammatory cytokines in the body, reducing the burden on the lymphatic system.

The less cargo they carry, the more likely they will function properly. So taking them can make our lymphatic flow smoother with a lower risk of being clogged.

Some of the best supplements for lymphedema are vitamin A, spermidine, and hesperidin.

Some supplements with general anti-inflammatory benefits are:
  • Curcumin/turmeric
  • Omega-3 fish oil
  • Ginger
  • Resveratrol
  • Spirulina
  • Vitamin D
  • Bromelain
  • Green tea extract
Our lymphatic system is truly miraculous in the many complex ways it functions to protect our health. Doing our part to keep it strong by avoiding toxic exposures and otherwise caring for our body will keep it functioning well throughout our lifetime.

Read More - The Miraculous Immune System Series:

Read Part 1 – Tonsillectomy: A ‘Minor’ Procedure With Major Long-Term Risks

Read Part 2 – Many People Have Removed an Important Body Part, Which May Increase 4 Cancer Risks

Read Part 3 – Beyond Detox: Unlocking the Secret Healing Power of the Lymphatic System

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