Overcoming the Barriers to Fill Ivermectin Prescriptions - FLCCC

How We Got Here: 

1. FDA tweets a joke about Americans using a “horse drug” 

2. Exaggerated reports of calls to poison control centers 

3. False reports of animal products overdoses filling ER’s 

4. CDS issues bulletin emphasising Ivermectin is not approved for COVID-19 

Note: NIH remains silent 

5. State Departments of Health issue warnings to licensed doctors 

6. Pharmacies and individual pharmacists refuse to fill valid COVID-19 early treatment prescriptions 

7. Despite these concerted actions–TOTAL PRESCRIPTIONS CONTINUE TO RISE IN THE U.S.! 

As demand for ivermectin surged across the United States in 2021, public health agencies and mainstream media reacted swiftly to deter people from using the medication for COVID-19. Consequently, many pharmacies and individual pharmacists began refusing to fill valid prescriptions for ivermectin.

This page aims to dispel some common misconceptions and provide guidance on how you can work with your pharmacist to overcome the barriers to access.

Denise Sibley, MD & Josh Harrison, DPh, enter into a Collaborative Agreement for OTC ivermectin.

MISCONCEPTION 1: The pharmacy is unable to fill your prescription because corporate policy does not allow it.

TRUTH: Walgreens, CVS, and Rite-Aid do not have a corporate policy that states they will not fill ivermectin prescriptions. Nor do the major grocery chain pharmacies (e.g., Kroger, Publix, Walmart, Costco, Sam’s Club)

MISCONCEPTION 2: Ivermectin is out of stock due to supply shortages and the pharmacy is unable to order more.

TRUTH: Edenbridge Pharmaceuticals, the only company authorized by the FDA to manufacture and distribute ivermectin for human use in the United States, says there are currently no supply shortages for human-grade ivermectin anywhere in the country. There are very few circumstances where a pharmacy/pharmacist cannot obtain a supply of ivermectin within 24 to 48 hours of ordering.

VERY FEW CIRCUMSTANCES where a pharmacy/pharmacist cannot obtain a supply of Ivermectin within 24-48 hours of ordering 

MISCONCEPTION 3: The pharmacy cannot fill the prescription because ivermectin is not FDA-approved for COVID treatment.

TRUTH: Once the FDA approves a prescription medication, federal laws allow any U.S. physician to prescribe the duly approved drug for any reason. In fact, around 30 percent of all prescriptions in the United States are for off-label uses, written by providers exercising their medical judgment. FDA-approved drugs like ivermectin may be prescribed for an unapproved use (“off-label”) when the provider believes it to be medically appropriate for their patients. The FDA affords clinicians the freedom to prescribe and treat using medications that they deem to be in the best interest of the patient. To read more about off-label prescriptions, visit www.fda.gov.

MISCONCEPTION 4: A pharmacist is always required to fill a prescription no matter what.

TRUTH: There are some reasons why a pharmacist may refuse to fill a prescription. These include concern that the medication may interact badly with another drug you are taking; concern that an excessive quantity has been prescribed; or concern that the prescription wasn’t issued by the provider whose name appears on the prescription.

It is a pharmacist’s responsibility to check with the provider to clarify these concerns and confirm the medical correctness of the prescription. In this way, pharmacists play an important role in ensuring your safety and good health.

Some states legally allow pharmacists to refuse to fill prescriptions due to religious or moral objections. However, many of these states still require the pharmacist to avoid neglecting or abandoning the patient’s needs and ensure they can get treated elsewhere.

What to do if a pharmacy refuses to fill your prescription:
  • Politely ask the pharmacist the reason for refusing to fill the prescription.
  • Share the information above that dispels common misconceptions.
  • Tell the pharmacist that corporate pharmacy chains have said they want to know who is not filling ivermectin prescriptions. Ask the pharmacist for their full name and store number and let them know you will be contacting the corporate office to report the incident. Document the store number and location, the name of the pharmacist, and the reason they gave for refusing to fill the valid prescription.
  • If you believe your pharmacist knowingly lied to you, report them to the state pharmacy board.
  • Look for another pharmacy. For a complete list of pharmacies that will fill and ship prescriptions: https://www.onedaymd.com/2021/08/how-to-get-ivermectin-in-us-pharmacies.html

Contact Details for Corporate Chains

Website: https://www.walgreens.com
Email: https://www.walgreens.com/mktg/contactus/contact-us-forms.jsp?tier3Id=1125
Chat: https://www.walgreens.com/rx-utility/pharmacychat

CVS Pharmacy
Call 1-877-287-2040 for 24/7 access to live support.
Website: CVSHealth.com/EthicsLine
Use this website to make a report by telephone or by online form. If you report by telephone, you will receive a 12-digit report key to include in any written submission.

Website: https://www.walmart.com/cp/1088604?gbo=1
Chat: Under Help and “Contact Us”

Sam’s Club
Call 1-800-607-6861
Website: https://www.samsclub.com/pharmacy/
Link to email: https://www.samsclub.com/help-center/additional- help?xid=help-centercontact-representative

Website: https://www.costco.com/pharmacy/home-delivery
Link to Email form: https://customerservice.costco.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1218

Call: 1-800-KROGERS (1-800-576-4377)
Questions about prescriptions: 1-855-489-2502
Website: https://www.kroger.com/health/pharmacy
Email & Chat: https://www.kroger.com/hc/help/contact-us

Call: 1-800-242-1227
Email form: https://www.publix.com/contact/contact-us
Website: https://www.publix.com/pharmacy


1. NO CORPORATE POLICY exists against filling Ivermectin by Walgreens, CVS, or Rite-Aid 

• NO POLICY exists for major grocery/pharmacies: Kroger, Publix, Walmart, Sam’s Club, Costco 

2. NO NATIONAL SUPPLY SHORTAGE in the United States at this time 

3. VERY FEW CIRCUMSTANCES where a pharmacy/pharmacist cannot obtain a supply of Ivermectin within 24-48 hours of ordering 

4. FDA APPROVAL for COVID-19 is NOT REQUIRED to prescribe Ivermectin off-label – in fact, 20% of all prescriptions written in the U.S. are off-label 

5. VERY FEW U.S STATES allow pharmacists to refuse to fill a valid prescription 

• Exceptions: If error in script or a dangerous drug-drug interaction exists 

• Even fewer states allow pharmacists to “abandon” the patient by not providing them an alternate place to get the prescription filled 

• Check the Law in your State: https://www.ncsl.org/research/health/pharmacist-conscience-clauses- laws-andinformation.aspx

Overcome the Barriers to Access 

Take Action and REPORT 

1. Corporate pharmacy chains WANT TO KNOW who is not filling Ivermectin: 

• DOCUMENT the store number/location and name of the pharmacist where a valid prescription was refused to be filled 

• REPORT the store and pharmacists name (See “Contact List for Corporate Chains”, pg. 7). Call, email, or direct message on Twitter 

• STOP REFUSALS by their employed pharmacists by presenting the 5 Truths above 

2. If you believe your pharmacist has lied, REPORT them to the state pharmacy board: 

• Make sure to specifically call out they “knowingly lied” in any complaints 

How to Get Ivermectin 

1. To find a pharmacy that fills in your zip code (for U.S.): 

• Email Edenbridge Pharmaceuticals the largest in the U.S., for a list of pharmacies in your area: info@edenbridgepharma.com

2. Look to Online and Compounding Pharmacies as an option. 

• For a complete list of pharmacies that will fill and ship prescriptions: https://www.onedaymd.com/2021/08/how-to-get-ivermectin-in-us-pharmacies.html

Source: https://covid19criticalcare.com/tools-and-guides/overcoming-the-barriers-to-access/ 

Related: How to Get Ivermectin in the US: Pharmacies


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