Oral Nasal Virucidal Therapy in Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19

The push for prophylaxis and treatment of SARS-CoV-2 oropharyngeal infection starts in the nose and mouth. A randomized trial by Choudhury et al. from Bangladesh has been overlooked by US public agencies but not the early treatment organizations around the world.

McCullough Protocol
McCullough et al. Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine, 2020

In this prospective randomized controlled trial, n=606 high-risk subjects with incipient COVID-19 were randomized to 1% povidone-iodine (betadine) solution as a rinse was used for a target of every four hours versus lukewarm water for four weeks. By day 7, the rates of positive nasal PCR for SARS-CoV-2 were 2.64% versus 70.3%, p<0.0001. The hospitalization rates and oxygen support and death rates were 3.3% vs. 20.8% and 0.66% vs. 5.61% (84% and 88% reductions, respectively) for the povidone-iodine vs. lukewarm water groups, p<0.0001. 

We know to apply these concepts to pre-exposure prophylaxis twice a day and postexposure four times a day. During active early treatment, it is reasonable to aim for every four hours with the goal of reducing viral load and reinoculation. If there is iodine sensitivity or intolerance, then dilute hydrogen peroxide, dilute sodium hypochlorite, followed by Listerine or Scope mouthwash can be used in the mouth only with attention to not swallowing. For the nose, saline rinses, nasal ozone, and colloidal silver hydrosol can be used, but the randomized trial support is not present. 

More good news came from the State of Uttar Pradesh in India, which declared victory over the Delta outbreak with the broad use of ivermectin. This is important as more partially and fully vaccinated Americans are spreading and contracting COVID-19; early treatment should be given in an unbiased and non-discriminatory manner. 

Fillmore and colleagues from the Veterans Administration have published that 24% of hospitalized COVID-19 Americans are vaccinated. This is consistent with CDC data from the COVID-Net collaborative from 13 states wherein the month of June 23% were partially or fully vaccinated. Thus, the vaccinated are progressively contributing to the burden of hospitalizations as the vaccines fail to control the Delta variant. 

The September 17, 2021, FDA meeting on Pfizer’s proposed COVID-19 booster, which is another injection of 30 mcg of mRNA coded for the extinct wild-type Spike protein, failed to approve the broad use of boosters. Presentations by Drs Jessica Rose, David Wiseman, Peter Doshi, and Paul Alexander collectively made the case that across the broad range of age groupings, that a vaccine recipient was more likely to die after the injection than taking the risk of contracting COVID-19 and dying of the infection. 

Shockingly, the vaccine stakeholders did not have a refutation of this analysis. This is consistent with a recently published analysis from Kostoff and coworkers. The nonfatal vaccine injuries came to attention recently with a claim made by Nicki Minaj of a relative who developed orchitis after the COVID-19 vaccination.

Because the vaccines cause circulating SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein damage to the body, it is not far-fetched since Chen and researchers from Wuhan reported earlier in the pandemic that 22.5% of infected men referred for scrotal ultrasound indeed met a radiographic definition of orchitis. For young persons such as Ms. Minaj, natural immunity is common.

In a summary from Jennifer Block in the British Medical Journal, there are now 20 supportive studies demonstrating the immunity after SARS-CoV-2 respiratory infection is robust, complete, and durable and cannot be improved upon with vaccination.  

We have a wonderful show with guests Dr. Richard Urso from Houston, TX, who gives us his insights on the crisis. Finally, an early innovator and COVID-19 specialist, Ivette Lozano, from Dallas, TX, gives us an update on obesity, diabetes, hyperglycemia, and weight loss during COVID-19 illness.  

So let’s get real, let’s get loud, on America Out Loud Talk Radio, this is The McCullough Report!

The McCullough Report: Sat/Sun 2 PM ET Encore 7 PM – Internationally recognized Dr. Peter A. McCullough, known for his iconic views on the state of medical truth in America and around the globe, pierces through the thin veil of mainstream media stories that skirt the major issues and provide no tractable basis for durable insight. Listen on iHeart Radio, our world-class media player, or our free apps on AppleAndroid, or Alexa.


Read More: https://www.americaoutloud.com/oral-and-nasal-virucidal-therapy-in-prevention-and-treatment-of-covid-19/


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