‘Experts’ Say New JN.1 COVID Strain Will Cause Global ‘Heart Failure Pandemic’

Scientists are warning that a new COVID strain will cause a global “heart failure pandemic,” prompting much skepticism.

A new strain known as JN.1 will cause many people to suffer from “reduced cardiac function,” according to the report.

“Japan’s top research institute Riken has now issued a warning in the new report, which states that the ACE2 receptors, which the coronavirus clings to within human cells, are ‘very common’ in the heart,” reports GB News.

“Even though conclusive clinical evidence that persistent SARS-CoV-2 infection is associated with declined cardiac function has not been reported so far, the proof-of-concept study of the possibility of SARS-CoV-2 persistent infection of the heart and the potential risk of opportunistic progression of heart failure should be validated by a three-dimensional human cardiac tissue model which would serve as the alarm bell for a global healthcare risk,” states the report.

Health officials suggested people should be wary of gathering for New Year’s Eve celebrations, warning, yet again, that hospitals would be at risk of being stretched to breaking point.

Despite everything we’ve learned about the association between COVID vaccines and serious heart problems, it appears they’re now trying to re-brand the heart problems as being caused by COVID itself.
Oh well, guess we better take another round of the “100 per cent safe and effective” then!

Once the new booster is rolled out, expect another spate of healthy, professional sports stars suddenly collapsing in the middle of the field as a result of…checks notes… the JN.1 COVID strain.

Respondents on X shockingly weren’t buying it.


  1. I can easily neutralize the coronavirus forever with 100% efficiency and transfer this ability to people.
    The local immunologist who consulted me for the first time, after looking at my seventh immunogram, urgently consulted me again and wrote absolute lymphocytosis in conclusion, although in the first consultation there was moderate absolute lymphocytosis in conclusion. I do not suffer from blood cancer for a period of 5 years, I have done more than 50 general blood tests and all indicators are normal except for lymphocytes, they are increased from 39 to 56%
    My t-cell immunity differs from my innate one in that it quietly lets viruses into my body and then destroys them without leaving the virus a single chance
    I can send you medical evidence in photographs: seven immunograms. The first, fourth and seventh immunograms were made by the Branch of the State Medical Institution "RCPB AIDS and FROM the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan" in Almetyevsk. In the first immunogram, made at my own expense, my t-cell counts are normal, the second immunogram was paid for by 33 polyclinics, the t-cell counts were exceeded in abs.number / mcl, according to this, I made the third and fourth immunograms for free, the indicators there are slightly more modest but also exceeded.I did the fifth and sixth immunograms in a private laboratory at KDL. As the Aids Center found out that I did the seventh immunogram for a fee, they said that I could do it for free. I have had three consultations with an immunologist. The first and third consultations were held at polyclinic No. 3 and the second consultation was held at the private clinic reamed. I can present two results of the analysis for antibodies to coronavirus, the first analysis was passed in the invitro laboratory, the second analysis was passed in the DNCOM laboratory. An analysis for autoimmune diseases made in the invitro laboratory. Seven blood tests according to the leuko formula and two general blood tests according to the leuko formula were done in the laboratory of the invitro laboratory, one general blood test in the DNCOM laboratory. Six invitations to the Kazan Regional Clinical Hospital and the Republican Center of Immunology. I couldn't use the invitations because I'm incapacitated. By the way, the first invitation from the RKB by order of the Presidential administration of the Russian Federation. I can send all these documents in PDF files.

    How did I achieve such immunity? I eat only healthy food 5 times a day. My mother is an old-age pensioner cook by profession. I eat milk porridge every morning, I eat at least 300 grams of vegetables and fruits every day, I drink yogurt every evening. I do not work on disability for 2 years. I do sports at the Bushido sports complex. I do weightlifting because, due to my illness, all other sports are contraindicated

    I've been sick with coronavirus 5 times or maybe more.For the first time in August, in severe form with symptoms: cough, sneezing, runny nose, fever and pain in muscles and head for 3 days officially, I learned the other four asymptomatically through an antibody test. The last analysis for coronavirus antibodies made in November 2023 is 240 BAU/ml, made 1.3 years after re-vaccination
    An analogue of my medicine was tested on former US President Donald Trump. The advantage of my drug is in the production time. An analogue of my drug has been prepared for several months from immune cells of mice with artificially raised immunity, from immune cells previously converted to human ones, and my immunity was raised naturally

    Help me create a coronavirus vaccine medicine from my immune system. I have 3 diseases 1)diabetes mellitus 2) diabetes insipidus 3)olivopontoceribral degeneration with cerebellar atrophy for the fastest production of my drug, it is necessary to cure me with diseases, the production of my drug is not possible. I started to strengthen my immune system because of 3 diseases, hoping you will help cure it


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