Nobody Noticed the Start of the Bird Flu Emergency

The first of the 2024 emergency declarations on avian influenza appeared on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' (HHS) website on July 18, 2024.1 There was no news release, nothing was posted on social media and no news outlet picked up the story. It was a stunning silence for such a significant development in public health policy.

HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra had determined that the avian influenza A (H7N9) virus posed a "significant potential for a public health emergency" that could "affect national security or the health and security of United States citizens living abroad." The declaration allowed for the emergency use authorization of diagnostic tests2 for detecting H7N9 in humans.

Other than the radio silence, the other thing that was odd about the July 18, 2024 post was that, instead of creating a new emergency, it resurrected a 2013 declaration for the last known human H7N9 outbreak3 that took place in China, where intermittent human infections occurred between 2013 and 2019. During that span of six years, there were a total of 1,568 human cases that claimed 616 lives. There was said to be at least one case of human-to-human H7N9 transmission.4

In July 2024, the only place in the world impacted by H7N9 was a single poultry farm in the Terang area of Victoria, Australia.5,6 No human cases had been reported there yet.

Does the emergency use authorization of an H7N9 test mean that is going to change? Will H5N1 and H7N9 be said to combine into a new pandemic virus, as a 2021 headline on Bill Gates', "The next pandemic: H5N1 and H7N9 influenza?"7 ominously suggested? 

There had never been H5N1 in Australia before, but scientists were forecasting the arrival of the virus8 with migrating birds from Antarctica in the coming months and they were concerned that it could threaten the 40,000 little penguins on Phillip Island. Would the next images coming out of Australia be the tiny dead bodies of the world's cutest penguins, followed by the frightening news of a new bird flu virus the world has never seen before?

Previous 'Threats' of a Bird Flu Pandemic Have Never Materialized

In 2005, then-U.S. President George Bush and health officials warned about the possibility of a human bird flu pandemic, which could "kill 1.9 million people and hospitalize another 9.9 million."9,10 Yet after nearly two decades, this prediction still has not materialized. No one in the U.S. has ever died from bird flu, and while there have been annual outbreaks in previous years, no human casualties have been reported.

In fact, every instance of fearmongering about a potential bird flu pandemic has turned out to be false. This is why I wrote my book, "The Great Bird Flu Hoax," as I became so convinced by the evidence AGAINST the possibility of a bird flu pandemic.

So, with H7N9 now being declared a "public health emergency," will the situation be different this time? I don't think so.

In fact, this strain has never even been detected in humans or birds in the United States before. Yet the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that "the pandemic potential of this virus is concerning."11

I believe that the only way avian influenza can escalate to pandemic levels is if it's caused by a manmade bird flu virus. And if it does happen, the narrative will most likely point toward a need for mass vaccination, just as they did with COVID-19.

A Weaponized Bird Flu Has Already Been Made

While other strains of bird flu are heavily present in the U.S., resulting in millions of birds being culled, the natural avian influenza, H5N1, is not very transmissible or lethal to humans. That is, until scientists started experimenting with it, producing a hybrid that has human pandemic potential.12

Unsurprisingly, Anthony Fauci, former director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), and global vaccine profiteer Bill Gates have funded gain-of-function research with the intention to make the bird flu virus transmissible to humans. According to a report by Alexis Baden-Mayer, political director for the Organic Consumers Association (OCA):13

"Fauci commissioned two gain-of-function research teams with grants titled 'Pandemic Potential of H5N1 Influenza Viruses' and 'Understanding the Emergence of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Viruses.' Gates chipped in, too, with grants 48339 and OPPGH5383 from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation."

One of the scientists who led these gain-of-function research is Yoshihiro Kawaoka; his works have been funded by Fauci since the 1990s.14 In one experiment, Kawaoka and his team mixed the avian influenza virus with the Spanish influenza virus, creating a lethal respiratory virus that can be transmitted between humans.

According to their findings,15 published in the journal Cell,16 the "contemporary avian influenza virus may have pandemic potential." Sure, but only because they made it so.

Fauci also funded the work of Dutch virologist Rob Fouchier, whose team used genetic engineering and serial infection of ferrets to create an airborne bird flu virus.17 So not only has the bird flu been manipulated to be more infectious, but it's now also capable of cross-species infection, as evident by reports that it has been detected in animals besides birds.

Bird Flu Now Spreads More Easily to Mammals

While Australia is developing high-level plans to protect its penguin population from the threat of bird flu from wild birds, the mutated virus is now spreading to other animals, particularly mammals, in other parts of the world, including the U.S. According to a graphic by Daily Mail,18 wild animals like bobcats, foxes, coyotes, striped skunks, coyotes have been found to be infected with bird flu since 2022.

In the U.S., cases of H5N1 bird flu have also been reported among cats, goats and dairy cows. Six states, including Texas, Michigan and Kansas, have confirmed outbreaks in their dairy farms. MSN reports that this is a "new strain," signifying the virus could be adapting to mammalian (as opposed to avian) hosts.19

However, there have been no human deaths from these outbreaks, though there are reports of farm workers contracting the H5N1 virus. In Colorado, six poultry workers from Weld County Farm experienced mild flu symptoms, including fever, cough and conjunctivitis, after getting the virus.20

"It's the first time multiple human cases have been reported on a single farm in the U.S., raising questions about whether the virus has changed or the environmental factors presented unique opportunities for it to spread," Global Center for Health Security reports. (21)

No, Mexican Man Did Not Die of Bird Flu

In mid-June 2024, the World Health Organization and mainstream media reported that a Mexican man had succumbed to bird flu.22 However, Mexican Health Secretary Jorge Alcocer quickly destroyed the building narrative by publicly denouncing the reports, saying, the man "died from other causes, mainly kidney and respiratory failure." As reported by on July 6, 2024:23

"Alcocer urged people to remain calm and to take the WHO's announcement with caution because it is 'not accurate.' 'I can point out that the statement made by the World Health Organization is pretty bad, since it speaks of a fatal case (of bird flu), which was not the case,' he said."

Current Bird Flu Countermeasures Are the Wrong Approach

Colorado's recent bird flu outbreak, which occurred in July 2024, led Governor Jared Polis to declare a disaster emergency in the county. According to reports, farmworkers were infected during the culling of 1.8 million chickens after positive tests had been found.24

In April 2024, operations of Cal-Maine Foods, Inc., the largest egg producer in the U.S., were halted after bird flu was detected. Around 1.6 million hens and 337,000 pullets were slaughtered to prevent further spread.25

However, this strategy could be doing far more damage, as culling the animals whenever a bird flu case is detected guarantees that natural immunity will never develop. Instead, it would be better to eliminate the chickens that die from the infection but keep those who survive it alive and breed them, so that future generations can develop natural immunity. In an article by regenerative farmer Joel Salatin, he comments:26

"To be sure, HPAI [highly pathogenic avian influenza] is and can be deadly, but it never kills everything. The policy of mass extermination without regard to immunity, without even researching why some birds flourish while all around are dying, is insane. The most fundamental principles of animal husbandry and breeding demand that farmers select for healthy immune systems. We farmers have been doing that for millennia ...

But in its wisdom, the US Department of Agriculture ... has no interest in selecting, protecting, and then propagating the healthy survivors. The policy is clear and simple: kill everything that ever contacted the diseased birds. The second part of the policy is also simple: find a vaccine to stop HPAI ...

The scorched earth policy is the only option even though it doesn't seem to be working. In fact, the cycles are coming faster and seem to be affecting more birds. Someone ought to question the efficacy."

What Would Work to Stop Bird Flu?

Another simple and obvious strategy to help curb the spread of bird flu is to improve the living conditions of the flocks. In confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs), chickens are raised in cramped quarters where disease and infection can easily spread. Many poultry farms are also situated closely together, which increases the risk of spread between farms.

"The USDA and the industry desperately want to blame wild birds, backyard flocks, and dirty shoes rather than looking in the mirror and realizing this is nature's way of screaming 'Enough!'" Salatin writes.

He also mentions that focusing on optimal herd sizes can help ward off epidemics. For example, wild turkeys stay in flocks of no more than a couple of hundred. Wild pigs rarely exceed groups of 100. For chickens, the optimal herd size is about 1,000. According to Salatin:27

"An elderly poultry industry scientist visited our farm once and told me that if houses would break up chickens into 1,000-bird groups it would virtually eliminate diseases.

He said it was okay to have 10,000 birds in a house as long as they were in 1,000-bird units. That way their social structure can function in a natural interaction. Animals have a hierarchy of bullies and timids. That social structure breaks down above optimal size ...

While I don't want to sound flippant or above HPAI susceptibility, incident rates definitely indicate less vulnerability in well-managed pastured flocks."

Lastly, it's crucial to respect nature and how animals are naturally meant to live. In the case of chickens, they thrive best when allowed to roam outdoors, with access to fresh air and sunlight. If you want them to stay healthy and disease-free, you must "treat the chickens like chickens," Salatin says.

Is the Global Cabal Quietly Preparing for a Takeover?

In early 2022, Gates warned that a pandemic "far worse than COVID-19" will likely emerge.28 A year later, in January 2023, former CDC director Robert Redfield also expressed his concern that that world is headed toward an avian flu pandemic, saying:29

"I've always said that I think the Covid pandemic was a wakeup call. I don't believe it's the great pandemic ... I believe the great pandemic is still in the future, and that's going to be a bird flu pandemic for man. It's gonna have significant mortality in the 10% to 50% range. It's gonna be trouble."

After all the scare tactics and fearmongering about how bird flu could be the "next global pandemic," you would think that the recent health declaration emergency regarding H7N9 avian influenza would make national headlines. Yet no news agencies have reported this story. How come?

If avian influenza becomes a human epidemic or pandemic, then chances are the global cabal will insist that it emerged because of natural evolution. But don't be fooled. There are plenty of reasons to suspect it's a weaponized virus.

They will also push the narrative that the "solution" to bird flu is to "get vaccinated" — but judging from the widespread harm that the fast-tracked COVID-19 mRNA shots caused, you may be getting a vaccine that's either ineffective, dangerous, or both.

Many animals are already being vaccinated against bird flu. In October 2023, France started vaccinating ducks bred for meat and foie gras against bird flu.30 So did this tactic work? Not in the least. Case in point — In January 2024, a duck farm in the Vendee region in West France detected bird flu, even though all 8,700 of its ducks were vaccinated. As reported by Reuters:31

"The vaccine is not supposed to fully protect birds from catching the disease but to limit its spread and thus avoid massive preventive culls. It comes in addition to standard biosecurity and control measure."

Where have we heard that before? Traditionally, the point of vaccination was to prevent infection by triggering immunity, even if only temporary. The COVID shots changed all that. Now, all a "vaccine" has to do is reduce symptoms of infection.

Be Prepared

One of the best things I did in my youth was join the Boy Scouts. Their motto "Be Prepared" has been enormously useful my entire life. Well, it applies to bird flu as well. While we don't know for sure, as no studies have been done, it is highly likely that many of the same protocols used in early outpatient treatment of COVID will also work for bird flu, since they are both viral respiratory pathogens.

So, as a first basic prevention step, optimize your vitamin D (the ideal range is between 60 ng/ml and 80 ng/ml). Be sure to measure it to confirm, as there is no way to know what your vitamin D level is without doing a blood test.

Summer is the best time to optimize your level. Ideally, get out in the sun around solar noon, which is 1 p.m. for most people in the U.S., exposing as much bare skin as possible. To learn more, download my "Vitamin D in the Prevention of COVID-19" report, available on

In case you do get sick, I would strongly advise you to purchase a nebulizer so that you can nebulize hydrogen peroxide at first signs of symptoms. I recommend reading my article, "Scientists Warn Bird Flu Outbreak Could Be 100 Times Worse Than COVID" to learn how to use nebulized peroxide to treat respiratory infections.

Also, if you haven't done so already, download a copy of the The Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance's (FLCCC) COVID-19 treatment protocol. While there's no guarantee that it'll work for a mutated (or weaponized) bird flu, it would probably be a good place to start.

Sources and References


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