America's Frontline Doctors Early Treatment Protocol and Contact a Physician

 SELF-HELP without a Doctor (source)

  • Zinc 50 mg daily (can take half twice daily if upset stomach)
  • Quercetin 500 mg twice a day three times a day if sick (switch to HCQ/IVM if available)
  • Vitamin D3 40,000-50,000 for five days
  • Melatonin 5 mg - 20 mg nightly for 14 days stomach)
  • Pepcid 40-80 daily 14 days – women or Cimetidine 400 daily -men
  • Full Aspirin (325 mg) daily one month
  • N acetyl cysteine (NAC) Up to 2000-2400 mg 1-2 days, then 1000-1200 mg for a week

America's frontline doctors protocol

Treatment: Latest Prescriptions (source)

  • Monoclonal Antibodies: outpatient, FDA approved, early treatment, within 10 days Only.
Note and Update: Omicron variant XBB found to be resistant to monoclonal antibody treatments (New England Journal of Medicine. Dec 2022)
  • HCQ 200 mg twice a day 7 days or IVM (weight based 0.4/kg) 20-36 mg daily 2-5 days
  • Fenofibrate (Tricor – anti-lipid) 145 mg daily (inflammatory/cytokine phase. Antioxidant)
  • Cyproheptadine (Periactin – antihistamine) 4 mg BID for 14 days (cytokine phase)
  • Decadron 6-10 once or twice a day one week or prednisone 80 mg. daily two days then taper or Colchicine 0.6 mg twice a day
  • Fluvoxamine 50 mg QHS, then 100 mg BID two days then 100 mg. TID for 12 days. Optional continue for one more week
  • Budesonide – if coughing 7 days
    +/- Singulair 10 daily 14 days
    +/- Z pack
    +/- Lovenox

Diet matters!!

Must keep glucose (sugar) low-normal when you have COVID.

This is very important for every COVID patient but especially if you are taking prescription steroid (Decadron or prednisone)
  • Very low carbs
  • Bone broth and water
  • No sugary drinks, cereals

Vaccine Injured: Latest Prescriptions to Consider (trial 1-2 months) (source)

  • Ivermectin (weight based 0.2-0.4/kg) 10-36 mg daily eight weeks
  • Prednisone 60 mg daily four days then taper by ten mg. every ~four days or so
  • Cyproheptadine (Periactin – antihistamine) 4 mg twice daily one month especially with neuro symptoms (bad headache)
  • Fluvoxamine 25 mg. twice a day (perhaps stops cytokine cyproheptadine seems better)
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin C
  • Melatonin
  • Atorvastatin
  • Maraviroc (HIV med, expensive)

Mechanism Of Action of Fenofibrate:
Blocks nrlp3 inflammasomes. Nrf2 modulating antioxidant defense increases Beta hydroxybutyrate. Significantly affected cell cycle progression and pathways involved in cancer, including the mTOR signaling pathway and insulin signaling pathway. Destabilizes the viral receptor binding domain clears lung alveolar fatty debris induced by the viral inflammatory process.

Related: Treatment for Post-Vaccine Syndrome: I-Recover Post-Vaccine Treatment Protocol (2024)

How To Obtain Early Treatment

Find a Provider: List of Doctors that will prescribe Early Treatment

Other Early Treatment Protocols

Other early treatment protocols with demonstrated effectiveness include:

Z-Stack Supplement

In an effort to make it easier for patients, Dr Zelenko has developed an oral supplement that contains all four key ingredients: vitamin C, quercetin, vitamin D3 and zinc. It’s referred to as 'Z-Stack Supplement.
Z-Stack Vitamin cocktail provides key ingredients needed in order to help your body fight off this deadly invader. Studies have shown that treatment needs to be started 'early'. Don't wait until it's too late to start treatment – keep a bottle on hand for peace of mind. 

The Z-Stack Vitamins are Kosher certified, GMP certified and made in the USA.

The cost of the Z-STACK vitamin cocktail is $55 per bottle for a one month supply.

Where to buy Z-Stack: Z-stack is available on Dr Zelenko's website. Here is the link: Z Stack Supplement.

Note: To get 5% OFF, please use this coupon code: ONEDAYMD


  1. Is there any help for long haul covid. It has been awful. I vomit and pee my pants. It interferes with my job. My doctor says nothing can be don. It also has reactive my hernia. Please help

    1.…..Go to protocols…..look for long haul treatments.

    2. website is gone

    3. It's (without the dash)

  2. Colorado medical board has blocked ivermectin and hydroxychloroquin prescriptions coming in from out of state. Who can prescribe them in state?

  3. Where do I research CV-19 Shot Shedding?? Husband has taken three jabs…

  4. Has anyone experienced hairless due to covid? my wife is experiencing hairloss and someone told her it could be the covid she had about 8 months ago.

    1. I have the same issue. Serious and sudden hair loss even tho I was not very I’ll. Headache, sore throat, lost sense of taste and smell for about a week. Hasn’t returned to full
      Taste and smell and it’s been six mos. My spouse got at least 2 shots. Unsure about booster. His health has deteriorated since the shots and both of us have brain fog like using the wrong words. I had zero shots but my husband didn’t tell me he got his until a
      Month later. He got covid worse than I had it.

    2. Yes, I started 4mths after getting it. It lasted for a solid 4-5 mths. It then stopped. I take a supplement to help promote strong hair growth. I also use a rosemary shampoo. My hair thinned out alot. I have 6 inches of new hair growth a year after ot started coming out and I have little hair falling out. This has been the case for a few people I know. You can really stop are just promoting hair growth as soon as possible.

    3. I had omicron, after few months my hair were falling in patches and I had no idea.. until I checked blood for iron level and after 3 months of taking prescribed doses it stopped.

  5. My daughter got Covid in October 2022- she has since been dealing with Vertigo. Any advice?

    1. Drug Refill (HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE OR IVERMECTIN)<<< this is where you will go Dr Stella will prescribe them to you and send them to your home

  6. I still can't find anyone to prescribe!! PLEASE HELP!!

  7. we have a friend who was forced to get the jab. Is there any help for him>>>Sandy

  8. My husband had COVID Jan 2022 and was admited into the hospital for 30 days and then spent another 3 weeks in rehibiltation center. He did not get the Vaccines because he was immune compromised and on Methotrexate during that time for Rhumatoid Arthritis. Now his body stays so week from over a year ago and constantly coughs to Exhaustion. Will he ever get any better or will he have to live like this the rest of his life. He is 64 yrs old.

  9. People need to consider Morgellon’s Disease when they have symptoms of “long haul covid” or whatever. I’m medical professional who specialized in both skin and psych. “Morgellons 2006” list all the symptoms of “covid” AND the symptoms of the complaints. I noticed a black string slime thing in my nose, hair loss, chronic upper respiratory infections, chronic stomach issues, intermittent breakouts, itching, covid type headaches, etc. Turns out it was MORGELLONS! Its microscopic and parasitic. You can treat it with Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, low dose naltrexone, peppermint oil, cinnamon bark, and parasite detox diet. QUIT wearing the surgical masks. I did multiple studies on myself over time under microscopy and seen the Morgellons in the mask and in the skin and mucosa. It all started with me questioning, “how do an anti-parasitic medication kill a virus?”. Now I know. Research on Morgellons was abruptly stopped and downplayed as a delusion but I literally prayed because my joints and everything was starting to be effected and low and behold…MORGELLONS! Whatever this is, it has parasitic, bacterial, and graphene but go to a doctor who still believes in listening to their patients and deep diving into research because you have to know the cause to get your life back. Hope this help someone!

  10. My wife started to get a swollen lymph node in her neck after getting covid. Did not get the vaccine at all. Had most of the symptoms of covid, more of the mild version of covid. Not sure how to proceed.

  11. Is there any written material in Spanish? The only information on vaccine injury is in English and Spanish media and medical system is very biased

  12. Greetings, My son and daughter-in-law have not gotten the Covid immunization, however, As a result of all this and so much with shots for children, they don’t have a Pediatrician for their children. Could someone please recommend a Pediatrician(s) in the Dallas/Rockwall area?


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