
Showing posts from May, 2023

Over 300 COVID-19 Papers Withdrawn for Not Meeting Standards of Scientific Soundness

Research journals have withdrawn well over 300 articles on COVID-19 due to compromised ethical standards and concerns about the publications’ scientific validity. Retraction Watch has provided a running list of withdrawn papers on COVID-19 ranging from “Acute kidney injury associated with COVID-19” to “Can Your AI Differentiate Cats from COVID-19?” A total of 330 research papers have currently been retracted. During the pandemic, researchers have compromised on ethical standards and tried to either get more publications approved or to take shortcuts around ethics, senior researcher Gunnveig Grødeland at the Institute of Immunology at the University of Oslo says, after going through the  list  of articles that have been withdrawn, and the reasons for some of them. While it is quite natural for some articles to be updated or changed to be published in a different form, some have been retracted because the researchers did not obtain informed consent during the research. “It will,...

The Role of Metabolic Health in Better COVID-19 Outcomes

Return guest Dr. Paul Saladino is a board-certified psychiatrist and also board certified in nutrition. He wrote "The Carnivore Code," which just came out in an updated second edition. In this interview, he discusses the impact metabolic health has on COVID-19 outcomes. He's done a magnificent job explaining the science that supports the natural lifestyle strategies that optimize our immune systems to defeat not only COVID-19, but also most other infectious agents. "The psychiatry was a jump-off point for thinking about how immune function and metabolic health affects mental health," he says. "I quickly realized that everything in the body was connected and I couldn't just focus on the brain without focusing on the rest of the body, and that has led us to where we are today. I think that as we are faced with coronavirus, it's a reminder of the metabolic health and how critical that is. I think so much of the...

Why a Healthy Lifestyle Saves Lives in a Pandemic: Latest Evidence

After more than three years, the COVID-19 pandemic has officially ended. During a CNN interview, when summarizing the number of deaths (6,921,614) due to COVID-19, chief medical correspondent, Dr. Sanjay Gupta said, “We were not very healthy going into this pandemic.” Many people were far more vulnerable to COVID-19 because of pre-existing conditions or weaknesses when it hit. Should another virus or pathogen strike again, will we be physically prepared to handle it and have a better outcome? As we reflect on our vulnerability, it’s important to consider the ways in which a healthy lifestyle have been proven to strengthen our body’s resilience as we face the future uncertainty of another pandemic. As early as 2020, a paper published in the journal  Clinical Infectious Diseases  investigated the risk factors associated with hospitalization due to COVID-19 based on data from 5416 adults in the United States who were hospitalized with confirmed COVID-19 between March a...


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