6 Natural Remedies for COVID-19 Prevention: An Evidence Review 2022
Do diet, supplements and exercise help with COVID-19? Any evidence? To understand the answers, please continue reading. We have covered and done a review on supplements for COVID-19 treatment. In this article, we will cover and do a review on supplements for COVID-19 'prevention' instead.
The important key takeaway is that you should never attempt to self medicate
without the guidance of a licensed medical provider. If you are not a
medical doctor, you are likely to find the information below overwhelming.
The aim of this article is to empower you with a better understanding of the
options available and to discuss the options with your medical doctor as an
informed patient.
Please check this page regularly for updates – new natural
alternatives may be added and/or dose changes to existing alternatives
may be made as further scientific studies emerge.
1. Quercetin
Quercetin is a pigment that is found in plants, vegetables, and
fruits, and serves as an immune nutrient offering many health
benefits. Elderberry, red onions, white onions and cranberries are the
richest sources of quercetin. It is a flavonoid and antioxidant that
may help to reduce inflammatory cytokines, infections, allergies
and anti-blood clot property. Research has found that quercetin may be particularly beneficial
for viral respiratory infections.
As of April 2022, there have been 8 published studies (7 RCTs) of
quercetin and COVID-19 (c19quercetin.com).
As listed above, there are 3 studies on prevention showing an overall
improvement of 93%. Quercetin is also no. 1 in this prevention studies
league table:
Quercetin Dosage
The FLCCC I-MASK+ protocol recommends 250 mg daily for prevention and 250 mg twice
daily for early treatment.
Quercetin works best when taken with vitamin C and Bromelain, as vitamin C helps activate it and bromelain
helps with the absorption (R).
Precaution: Quercetin should be used with caution in patients with
hypothyroidism (low thyroid hormone) and relevant thyroid hormone
levels should be monitored.
2. Diet
As of April 2022, there are 6 published studies on diet for COVID-19.
This is an interesting development as diet related studies were not
featured on the C19early.com's home-page previously.
What kind of diet are these studies referring to?
Perez-Araluce study
refers to a Mediterranean diet.
Vietnamese Nguyen study
refers to a 'healthy diet' that is defined by a higher intake
frequency of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, dairy and fish.
Iranian Moludi study
refers to a 'high inflammatory' diet as a risk factor to a more
severe COVID-19.
Merino study
of more than 500,000 participants in UK and USA showed lower risk or
COVID-19 cases and severity for higher healthful plant-based diet
The Kim study in 6 countries also showed plant-based diets were associated
with lower odds of moderate-to-severe COVID-19.
Please check this page regularly for updates – new natural
alternatives may be added and/or dose changes to existing alternatives
may be made as further scientific studies emerge.
1. Quercetin
Quercetin is a pigment that is found in plants, vegetables, and
fruits, and serves as an immune nutrient offering many health
benefits. Elderberry, red onions, white onions and cranberries are the
richest sources of quercetin. It is a flavonoid and antioxidant that
may help to reduce inflammatory cytokines, infections, allergies
and anti-blood clot property. Research has found that quercetin may be particularly beneficial
for viral respiratory infections.
As of April 2022, there have been 8 published studies (7 RCTs) of
quercetin and COVID-19 (c19quercetin.com).
As listed above, there are 3 studies on prevention showing an overall
improvement of 93%. Quercetin is also no. 1 in this prevention studies
league table:
Quercetin Dosage
The FLCCC I-MASK+ protocol recommends 250 mg daily for prevention and 250 mg twice daily for early treatment.
The FLCCC I-MASK+ protocol recommends 250 mg daily for prevention and 250 mg twice daily for early treatment.
Quercetin works best when taken with vitamin C and Bromelain, as vitamin C helps activate it and bromelain
helps with the absorption (R).
- The Perez-Araluce study refers to a Mediterranean diet.
- The Vietnamese Nguyen study refers to a 'healthy diet' that is defined by a higher intake frequency of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, dairy and fish.
- The Iranian Moludi study refers to a 'high inflammatory' diet as a risk factor to a more severe COVID-19.
- The Merino study of more than 500,000 participants in UK and USA showed lower risk or COVID-19 cases and severity for higher healthful plant-based diet scores.
- The Kim study in 6 countries also showed plant-based diets were associated with lower odds of moderate-to-severe COVID-19.
3. Nigella Sativa (Black Seed Oil)
Nigella sativa (N. sativa) is a small flowering plant that grows in Southwest Asia, the Middle East, and Southern Europe (Source). This shrub produces fruit with tiny black seeds. Commonly referred to as black seed, N. sativa seeds go by many other names, such as black cumin, black caraway, nigella, fennel flower, and Roman coriander (Source).Black seed oil is extracted from N. sativa seeds and has been used in traditional medicine for over 2,000 years due to its many therapeutic benefits.
Summary results of 6 published clinical studies are available on
this dedicated webpage: c19ns.com. The 2 prevention studies provide evidence that Nigella Sativa was
associated with an average improvement of 46% in decreasing the
likelihood of symptomatic and severe cases.

4. Melatonin
Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland in the brain,
mainly during the night, that helps regulate circadian rhythms [Source]. Its levels decrease with aging. Most melatonin supplementation studies have evaluated its ability to control sleep and
wake cycles, promote sleep, and reduce jet lag.
The potential utility of melatonin in treating COVID patients
has not gone unnoticed, with a PubMed search combining melatonin
and COVID producing more than 50 citations.
Check out
the evidence tracker on melatonin and COVID-19 from c19melatonin.com (constantly updated).
As of April 2022, there are more than 10 published clinical studies of melatonin for treatment and prevention in COVID-19 and
the results are promising even when it's given as a late
The 3 prevention studies provide evidence that melatonin was associated with an average
improvement of 38% in decreasing the likelihood of symptomatic
and severe cases.
Safety: If you take a melatonin supplement, be
careful: Too much can cause daytime sleepiness. There is no federal RDA nor any formal advice on supplement dose
ranges. Based on an on-going Spanish study, a 2 mg daily dose protocol is being investigated for prevention
of COVID-19. Do take note that the dosage for 'prevention' and
'treatment' is different, For prevention or maintenance, a lower
dosage is normally recommended whereas a 'treatment' or
'therapeutic' dosage is normally higher.
Typical doses of 1–10 mg/day melatonin appear to be safe for
short-term use (Source). Reported side effects, which are usually minor, include
dizziness, headache, nausea, upset stomach, rash, and sleepiness.
However, some reports have linked high blood levels of melatonin
with delayed puberty and hypogonadism.
Studies have not
evaluated melatonin supplementation during pregnancy and
breastfeeding, but some research suggests that these supplements
might inhibit ovarian function (Source). Therefore, some experts recommend that women who are
pregnant or breastfeeding avoid taking melatonin.
Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland in the brain,
mainly during the night, that helps regulate circadian rhythms [Source]. Its levels decrease with aging. Most melatonin supplementation studies have evaluated its ability to control sleep and
wake cycles, promote sleep, and reduce jet lag.
The potential utility of melatonin in treating COVID patients
has not gone unnoticed, with a PubMed search combining melatonin
and COVID producing more than 50 citations.
Check out the evidence tracker on melatonin and COVID-19 from c19melatonin.com (constantly updated).
Check out the evidence tracker on melatonin and COVID-19 from c19melatonin.com (constantly updated).
As of April 2022, there are more than 10 published clinical studies of melatonin for treatment and prevention in COVID-19 and
the results are promising even when it's given as a late
The 3 prevention studies provide evidence that melatonin was associated with an average
improvement of 38% in decreasing the likelihood of symptomatic
and severe cases.
Studies have not evaluated melatonin supplementation during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but some research suggests that these supplements might inhibit ovarian function (Source). Therefore, some experts recommend that women who are pregnant or breastfeeding avoid taking melatonin.
5. Vitamin A
Summary results of 10 vitamin A and COVID-19 studies are available on this dedicated webpage: c19early.com/va.6. Exercise
Reference links on Exercise and COVID-19 studies are available on this
dedicated webpage: c19early.com/ex.
The combination of quercetin, vitamin A, black seed oil, melatonin, healthy
diet and exercise offer a reasonable potential with a valuable degree of
safety to reduce the risk associated with COVID-19.
Please also follow other precautions and measures (as advised by your
local health authorities and doctors) in order to minimize your risk.
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