Coffee Consumption as a Preventive Measure Against COVID-19 Infections: Studies

Your coffee habit may be doing double duty: jumpstarting your mornings and providing COVID-19 protection, according to a recent study. New research reveals that coffee, enjoyed worldwide for its signature fragrance and flavor, may fend off illness by preventing binding of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, in cells.


Coffee—Regardless of Brew—Lowers Risk

Previous research shows that a diet rich in polyphenols, compounds in plants with antioxidant properties, may boost immune function and reduce the risk of severe COVID-19 symptoms. A November 2023 study published in Cell & Bioscience went further and examined whether drinking coffee, which contains polyphenols, could also reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection.

Researchers conducted lab testing of human cells and a trial with 64 participants infected with a SARS-CoV-2 pseudo-virus.

The lab tests found that coffee inhibited multiple SARS-CoV-2 variants by preventing viral binding to the ACE2 receptor and reducing the activity of proteins linked to severe illness.

“Put simply, it kept the virus from getting the foothold needed to cause infection,” Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum, a board-certified internist, author, and director of the Practitioners Alliance Network, and not associated with the study, told The Epoch Times.

In the human trial, one to two cups of coffee daily inhibited infection across variants, including delta and omicron. The effect was consistent for various coffee types, including ground, instant, caffeinated, and decaffeinated.

The authors suggested coffee could be an effective dietary strategy to prevent COVID-19.

Coffee Tied to Reduced Risk in Prior Large Study

The new study had few human participants but adds to evidence from a much larger 2021 Northwestern University study.

Researchers analyzed data from the UK Biobank, a large-scale biomedical database, entailing the dietary behaviors of almost 38,000 people between 2006 and 2010 to determine if their past diet impacted their COVID-19 infection risk in 2020.

They found that drinking at least one cup of coffee per day was linked to a 10 percent lower risk of COVID-19 infection compared to lower daily coffee consumption.

Additionally, the study found that eating vegetables was also associated with lower infection risk; about ¾ cup of non-potato vegetables daily appeared protective. However, researchers also discovered that less than half a daily serving of processed meat (but not red meat) increased the risk of COVID infection.

Coffee’s Other Health Benefits

The following are three significant health benefits already associated with drinking coffee: “So this is more of the data that supports enjoying your coffee,” Dr. Teitelbaum said. Compared to some costly medications that may even dramatically increase the virus’ mutation rate, turning it into a “true plague,” coffee is a much safer prevention option, he added.

Easy but Powerful Ways to Boost Immunity

Though coffee may offer protection, there are more powerful ways to prevent COVID-19, according to Dr. Teitelbaum.

In households where somebody gets the disease, 1 in 6 other members will also catch it on average. This shows our own immunity is “way more important” than viral exposure, he said.

Three effective ways to easily boost the immune system include the following:

1. Take Vitamins

Deficiencies in immunity-influencing vitamins A, C, D, and E and zinc can increase susceptibility to infections. Dr. Teitelbaum recommends a multivitamin plus elderberry and zinc supplements. “These dramatically improved immunity,” he said.

2. Stay Hydrated

“The part of the immune system that initially fights COVID is like our Navy,” Dr. Teitelbaum said. “It works poorly in dry dock.”
Research shows dehydration can reduce disease-fighting capability. But don’t reach for sugar-sweetened drinks. “The amount of sugar in one can of soda or orange juice can decrease immune function by 30 percent for three hours,” Dr. Teitelbaum said.

3. Get Enough Sleep

Inadequate sleep substantially reduces our ability to fight illness. The optimal sleep duration is seven to eight hours nightly for most adults, nine to 10 for teenagers, and 10 or more for school-aged children.

While offering potential benefits, excessive coffee intake (over four cups a day) can cause adverse effects like insomnia, rapid heartbeat, and tremors. It’s important to moderate coffee consumption and avoid adding excessive sugar, as this increases obesity and diabetes risks.

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Editor's Note: Coffee was added as part of the FLCCC's I-PREVENT protocol (pre-exposure prevention protocol) with the December 1, 2023 update.


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