Dr Peter McCullough: How to Defend Yourself against Turbo Cancers

New cases of cancer in the U.S. are on track to surpass 2 million this year. The term ‘turbo cancer’ has become quickly associated with the spike protein buildup for millions of people who have had a series of vaccine boosters. In the coming year, we’re expecting to hit a bleak milestone — the first time new cases of cancer in the US are expected to cross the 2-million mark. That’s almost 5,500 cancer diagnoses a day.

These estimated numbers of new cancer cases and deaths for this year are from “Cancer Statistics, 2024,” published in the American Cancer Society’s flagship journal CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, in its consumer-friendly companion report, Cancer Facts & Figures 2024, and on the interactive website, the Cancer Statistics CenterThese publications are the most widely cited source of cancer statistics in the world.

This strong evidence of the link between covid vaccines and cancer can no longer be ignored – WE ARE now facing a tsunami of mounting evidence that the mRNA based covid vaccines not only cause cancer progression but also inhibit current treatments in controlling so-called ‘turbo cancers’, sudden and aggressive either first time or relapsed cancers, which are on the rise. (LDN Research Trust)

This episode of America Out Loud PULSE is specifically focused on the rise of cancer in a post-COVID world. Mainstream media outlets are quick to dismiss reports of the rise of ‘turbo cancers’ with headlines that attempt to debunk the facts. We’ll dive into the data and answer your questions today with Dr. William Makis.

Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology, and Immunology, the Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar, and the author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

Here is a sampling of questions we’ll address in today’s program.

Sandra – What percentage of people who received the vaccine came down with cancer?

Peggy – Hello, Gentlemen, and God Bless your work. I am unvaccinated, and I survived a seriously scary hospitalization with the Delta variant, which left me with multiple microclots in both lungs. I was relieved to hear that the subsequent variants are not causing blood clotting or turbo cancers if a person is unvaccinated. It’s sad to say that I’ve been hearing lately that even the unvaccinated are still plagued with blood clots and turbo cancers. Is this true and how concerned should I be about this threat?

Secondly, if a Labcorp test result returns with antibodies less than 1,000 does that indicate no worries about clotting and turbo cancers? Will another mild infection increase risk again?

Callum – Based on the latest data and your own experience, would you say that these sudden and unexpected deaths are accelerating or declining?

Rhianne – The cancers that people appear to be getting, are these cancers happening in a close time frame to the shot?

Marcel – I keep seeing this 3-5 year timeframe that we will really see the damage from the vaccine. Why is it 3-5 years? Are deaths going to skyrocket higher than they’ve been or are headed towards the clear?

Jim – Does getting multiple CT scans and contrast scans for heart disease increase the chances of cancer? And Dr. McCullough, if I have one of my heart arteries 70% blocked, is a stent the best course of action?

Katy – Could you please share your sources regarding claims that the Covid vaccine is correlated with increased cases of cancer and stillbirth?

Lisa – Can a person who had 2 Pfizer Covid-19 vaccines in 2021 pass on any of his spike protein to me through kissing or by having sex? Or even by perspiration through the skin? (I did not take the vaccine)

Anne – Dear Malcolm and Dr McCullough, I continue to be eternally grateful to your commitment to getting important and very much needed medical information to the world! I have been wondering: if someone is diagnosed with cancer and wonders if it may be due to the Covid shot, would using the spike detox be helpful to their condition? I know you mention it for cardiac and neurologic conditions, but I have been wondering if it might help with a potential cancer diagnosis?



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