Heart Inflammation Only Appears After COVID Vaccination: NHS Study

Myocarditis and pericarditis only occur after vaccination and not after COVID-19 infection, according to a recent preprint led by researchers at Oxford University, which compared health outcomes among COVID-vaccinated and unvaccinated children.

“Whilst rare, all myocarditis and pericarditis events during the study period occurred in vaccinated individuals,” the authors wrote. There were no deaths from myocarditis or pericarditis.The study evaluated over 1 million English children aged 5 to 11 and adolescents aged 12 to 15. Vaccinated minors were compared to an equal number of unvaccinated, and children who took one dose were also compared to those who took two doses.

Despite having higher chances of heart inflammation, vaccinated adolescents had significantly lower chances of testing positive for COVID-19 and needing COVID-related hospitalization and critical care compared to their unvaccinated counterparts. Vaccinated children, however, were not substantially different from unvaccinated children in terms of COVID-19 infection and hospitalization.

Additionally, “COVID-19-related hospitalisation, and critical care attendance were rare in both adolescents and children and there were no COVID-19 related deaths,” the authors observed.

18 Cases

The study analyzed data from the National Health Service (NHS) England’s OpenSAFELY-TPP database, which covers 40 percent of English primary care practices.

Vaccinated adolescents and children were matched to unvaccinated cohorts and followed for 20 weeks to compare positive COVID-19 tests, hospitalizations, COVID-19 critical care, adverse events, and non-COVID hospitalizations.

England’s data showed that myocarditis and pericarditis were only documented in the vaccinated. These results contradict data from other studies that showed a higher incidence of myocarditis after COVID-19 infection.

Adolescents had a higher incidence of post-vaccine myocarditis and pericarditis than children.

There were 15 cases of pericarditis and three cases of myocarditis among more than 839,000 vaccinated children and adolescents. All of the myocarditis and 12 pericarditis cases appeared in the adolescent cohort.

Except for three pericarditis cases, all other cases occurred after the first vaccine dose. More than half of the adolescents with pericarditis and myocarditis were hospitalized or went to the emergency room. It is unknown how many adolescents needed critical care, though the maximum length of stay for myocarditis treatment was one day.

Cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, who was not involved in the study, told The Epoch Times that the study is one of many demonstrating that COVID-19 vaccination is not medically necessary for children, given the less than 1 percent rate of infection, and that excessive testing for COVID-19 is a waste of resources.

The fact that COVID-19 vaccination can lead to side effects like myocarditis and pericarditis means it can potentially result in fatal cardiac arrest in a fraction of victims, which cannot be predicted ahead of time, Dr. McCullough added.

COVID-19 Hospitalization

The authors also compared myocarditis and COVID-19 hospitalization risks in the vaccinated.

While rare, children and adolescents were more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19 than develop myocarditis or pericarditis, regardless of vaccine status.

Of the adolescents who took one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, 33 were hospitalized from COVID-19, while three developed myocarditis. In the unvaccinated group, 57 were hospitalized.

The authors concluded that adolescents may have more to benefit from COVID-19 vaccines than children because compared to adolescents, children had a greater risk of myocarditis post-vaccination and a lower risk reduction of hospitalization due to COVID-19 infection.

Children Are Different

Vaccination appears to significantly reduce the risks of having severe COVID-19 outcomes for adolescents but not for children.

Of the over 552,000 unvaccinated children or adolescents, only three cases of COVID-19 required critical care. All three cases occurred among unvaccinated adolescents.

Furthermore, there was no significant difference in COVID-19 infection severity between vaccinated and unvaccinated children.

Since the appearance of COVID-19, researchers have been mystified by how young children have a survival advantage compared to adults. Infectious diseases often kill the very young and the very old; however, research has shown that COVID-19 usually spares infants.
Some researchers have reasoned that children are better protected because, compared to adults, they have a faster-responding innate immune system, often referred to as the first line of defense. This enables them to mount a robust defense against COVID-19 infections more quickly.

Other Related Studies

December 2023 study

In another paper that came out in December 2023, researchers in Australia found a number of vaccinated people who suffered myocarditis were still suffering persistent symptoms six months later. A U.S.-government survey produced similar results in 2022 (Lancet).

July 2023 study

study published in Circulation in 2023 followed 40 teens aged 12 to 18 for up to one year after they were diagnosed with COVID-19 vaccine-related heart inflammation. MRIs showed abnormal results in 26, including 19 with signs of scarring.

June 2023 study: COVID-19 vaccination-related myocarditis: a Korean nationwide study

The academic publication in the European Heart Journal can be found here. The study concluded:

Although COVID-19 VRM (vaccine related myocarditis) was rare and showed relatively favorable clinical courses, severe VRM was found in 19.8% of all VRM cases. Moreover, SCD (sudden cardiac death) should be closely monitored as a potentially fatal complication of COVID-19 vaccination.

March 2023 Study Investigates Post Vaccine Myocarditis

study out of Massachusetts by Yonker and colleagues explored the significance of vaccine-induced spike protein. The researchers collected blood from 16 adolescent and young adult patients hospitalized with postvaccine myocarditis. They used these blood samples to compare the patients’ immune profiles to those of 45 healthy, age-matched control patients who had also received the vaccine. Three quarters of the myocarditis patients had developed the pathology after the second dose. The researchers did not include a control group of unvaccinated individuals.

SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination and Myocarditis in a Nordic Cohort Study of 23 Million Residents (JAMA)

In a cohort study (JAMA 2022) of 23.1 million residents across 4 Nordic countries, risk of myocarditis after the first and second doses of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccines was highest in young males aged 16 to 24 years after the second dose.

The study concluded that the risk of myocarditis was highest in young males after the second SARS-CoV-2 vaccine dose, and this risk should be balanced against the benefits of protecting against severe COVID-19 disease.

Myocarditis Not Recovered in 80 Percent at 6 Months After Vaccination

Barmada et al (2023) studied a clinical cohort consisting of 23 patients hospitalized for vaccine-associated myocarditis and/or pericarditis. The cohort was predominately male (87 percent) with an average age of 16.9 plus/minus 2.2 years (ranging from 13 to 21 years). Patients had largely noncontributory past medical histories and were generally healthy before vaccination. Most patients had symptom onset 1 to 4 days after the second dose of the BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine.

Six patients either first experienced symptoms after a delay of more than seven days after vaccination or were incidentally positive for SARS-CoV-2 by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing upon hospital admission—these six patients were thus excluded from further analyses, although they potentially reflect the breadth of clinical presentations of vaccine-associated myopericarditis.

The remaining cohort of 17 patients showed no evidence of recent prior SARS-CoV-2 infection, with antibodies to spike (S) protein but not to nucleocapsid (N) protein and negative nasopharyngeal swab reverse transcription quantitative PCR at hospital admission.

While the authors clearly show high levels of inflammatory markers, the follow-up MRI scans showed only 20 percent had resolved their abnormalities (late gadolinium enhancement) at over six months (199 days).

Autopsies Show COVID-19 Vaccination Likely Caused Fatal Heart Inflammation?

A serious side effect linked to COVID-19 vaccines might lead to death, according to a study (pdf) published by Clinical Research in Cardiology on Nov. 27, 2022. The researchers all work for Heidelberg University Hospital. They were funded by German authorities.

Post-vaccination myocarditis, a form of heart inflammation, was identified in a subset of people who died “unexpectedly” at home within 20 days of receiving a COVID-19 vaccine. Researchers analyzed autopsies that had been performed on the people and conducted additional research, including studying tissue samples.

Researchers started with a group of 35, but excluded 10 from further analysis because other causes of death were identified. Of the remaining 25, researchers identified evidence of myocarditis in five.

All of the five people received a Moderna or Pfizer vaccine within seven days of their death, with a mean of 2.5 days. The median age was 58 years. None of the people had COVID-19 infection prior to being vaccinated and nasal swabs returned negative.

Autopsy findings combined with the lack of evidence of other causes of death and how the vaccination happened shortly before the deaths enabled researchers to say that for three of the cases, vaccination was the “likely cause” of the myocarditis and that the cardiac condition “was the cause of sudden death.”

In one of the other cases, myocarditis was believed to be the cause of death but researchers detected a herpes virus, an alternative explanation for the incidence of heart inflammation. The remaining case did not include an alternative explanation for the myocarditis but the researchers said the impact of the inflammation was “discrete and mainly observed in the pericardial fat.” They classified the two cases as possibly caused by vaccination.

“In general, a causal link between myocarditis and anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccination is supported by several considerations,” the researchers said, including the “close temporal relation to vaccination”; the “absence of any other significant pre-existing heart disease”; and the negative testing for any “myocarditis-causing infectious agents.”

Limitations included the small cohort size.

COVID-19 Vaccine Myocarditis Research Wins 2023 Most Popular Preprints Award

We’re thrilled to announce that Dr Peter McCullough, won first place on Preprints.org for a study he co-authored on vaccine-induced myocarditis.

Preprints.org is a vital platform for the early dissemination of scholarly research before standard peer review and publication in scientific journals. By allowing research findings to be shared early with the scientific community, Preprints.org facilitates scientific communication and collaboration, enabling researchers to receive feedback and engage with the broader scientific community.

Autopsy Proven Fatal COVID-19 Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis claimed the top spot in the Medicine and Pharmacology category, specifically focusing on cardiac and cardiovascular systems. This research paper delves into a critical issue surrounding COVID-19 vaccination — the potential risk of myocarditis, particularly in cases where it leads to fatal outcomes.

Treatment protocol for Vaccine induced myocarditis/pericarditis 

According to the FLCCC I-Recover Protocol: Post Vaccine Treatment Protocol Document (Page 38), updated March 2024:
  • ACE inhibitor/ARB, together with carvedilol as tolerated to prevent/limit progressive decline in cardiac function. 
  • Colchicine in patients with pericarditis – 0.6 mg/day orally; increase to 0.6 mg twice daily if required. Reduce dose if patients develop diarrhea. Monitor white blood cell count. Decrease dose with renal impairment. 
  • Magnesium to reduce the risk of serious arrhythmias (A starting dose of 100 to 200 mg daily is suggested, increasing the dose as tolerated up to 300 mg (females) to 400 mg daily).
  • Coenzyme Q (CoQ) 200-400mg/day. (RRR)
  • Omega-3 fatty acids – EPA/DHA 2-4 g/day (R). Increase dose slowly as tolerated. 
  • Resveratrol/flavanoid combination for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. 
  • Referral to a cardiologist or ER in case of persistent chest pain or other signs and symptoms of cardiac events are observed. 

Resources for Those Injured by the COVID Jab

When it comes to treatment, it seems like many of the treatments that worked against severe COVID-19 infection also help ameliorate adverse effects from the jab. This makes sense, as the toxic, most damaging part of the virus is the spike protein, and that’s what your whole body is producing if you got the jab.

So, the primary task to prevent and/or address post-jab injuries is to eliminate the spike protein. Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine bind to and facilitate the removal of spike protein. According to McCullough, nattokinase, bromelain and curcumin also help degrade the spike protein.

At present, the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) seems to have one of the best treatment protocols for post-jab injuries. It’s called I-RECOVER protocol.

Read the Myocarditis and Vaccine series here > Myocarditis series


Over 3,000 peer-reviewed articles have been published on COVID vaccine injuries. Find links to these studies at COVID Vaccine InjuriesREACT19Substack and OpenVAERS . 

The Wellness Company's Base Spike Detox Trio

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