Certain Teas May Inactivate COVID-19 Virus, Study Finds
A cup of tea could be a powerful weapon in the fight against COVID-19, according to a new study that found that several common varieties can effectively inactivate the SARS-CoV-2 virus in saliva. The research offers a glimmer of hope that something as simple as your morning brew could help curb the spread of the pandemic virus. Popular Teas Found to Drastically Reduce SARS-CoV-2 Levels in Just Seconds Researchers studied 24 commercially available teas and identified five that significantly reduced SARS-CoV-2 levels in saliva. These were raspberry zinger, eucalyptus mint, mint medley, green tea, and black tea. The team prepared a drinkable tea infusion using one tea bag steeped in a cup of water for 10 minutes, without any additions such as milk or sugar. They then tested each tea either as a beverage or as a gargle. The findings, published in Food and Environmental Virology , showed that all five tea varieties reduced the amount of the virus by at least 96 percent within just 10 second...