5 Best Zinc Ionophore Supplements of 2024
Quercetin, Hydroxychloroquine, green tea extract, Zinc and black seed oil are among the handful of COVID-19 treatments that are being studied as candidates that might influence the outcome in the prevention and management of COVID-19. Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Quercetin and EGCG (EpiGalloCatechin Gallate) are all zinc ionophores. Meaning they all transport zinc into the cells. It is known that zinc will slow down the replication of coronavirus through inhibition of enzyme RNA dependent RNA polymerase ( PubMed 2010 ). The COVID-19 virus is a single stranded RNA (RiboNucleicAcid) virus and requires the RNA polymerase to replicate. Other single stranded RNA viruses include Flu virus, RSV and dengue. They may use similar pathways for replication i.e. RNA dependent RNA polymerase (RDRP) to make copies of their genome. We will dive deeper into the science for each of the above treatment and supplement. 1. Quercetin Quercetin was initia...